The Potters Grace Assembly

Our Church

General Overseer

Dr Francis Aderibigbe JP.

Meet our esteemed General Overseer, Dr. Francis Aderibigbe JP. With a heart devoted to God and a passion for leading others on their spiritual journeys, Dr. Aderibigbe has been a guiding light for our church community. His unwavering dedication to sharing the message of God's love, grace, and transformation has touched countless lives. Dr. Aderibigbe's journey is one of faith, commitment, and leadership. His teachings are grounded in the Scriptures and his actions reflect the embodiment of Christ's teachings. Under his guidance, Potter's Grace Assembly has flourished into a place of spiritual growth, fellowship, and community impact.
The Potter's Grace Assembly The Potter's Grace Assembly
The Potter's Grace Assembly The Potter's Grace Assembly
Our history

How we started

This ministry started as Oreofe evangelical ministry, that name came in 1990 february 17. I was on my way to Warri and I was involved in a motor accident and I was brought back to Lagos, so when it was February 199I got the voice from Heaven that “you have the grace (3X)” that was the first time I heard the voice of God. I didn’t know what to do. I travelled in 1990 to holand there was a place one of the state called cidad that is where I started this ministry in 1990 so it was about preaching, exultation and prayers so a lot of people where exalted from there we moved for outreach to Germany and Belgium to preach the gospel to exalt people and gather people together pray, preach and heal them to grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I came back to Nigeria in 1992, I started the Nigerian chapter I was into outreach I was running a car wash so from there I started the Oreofe evangelical ministry it was just a fellowship and outreach so in 1996 it was properly established. In 1996 I was going for serious outreach from one church and crusade to another son 2004 I started full Business church, initially we were running fellowships so later we started full time church which started January 18, 2004. So in 2005 April we moved down to this place from here we started the building of this church, we started the full gospel ministry and the outreach and that is how we have been doing from there we had a branch we called it first born miracle parish at ijoko in ogun state from that one we moved to sango ota we have gusshin miracle parish in sango from there we moved to Abeokuta the noise of Joy parish from there we moved to potter Grace holy city where we call camp ground so we have been going for many outreaches and we are planning to have more parishes by the grace of God
The head quarter is in uturn called potter grace assembly which is the sixth of the head quarter
The international head quarter is located at potter grace holy city Abeokuta

We always appreciate your donations

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

The Potter’s Grace Assembly
United Bank for Africa